Now Enrolling!

Did you know we offer in-studio birthday parties? We do!
Our All-Inclusive package includes a 90 minute party for up to 12 children, your very own Princess Ballerina Dance Instructor leading your child’s party in full costume, dress-up tutus for your child and guests to wear during the party, a pre-decorated party table that includes cupcakes, an adorable ballet-themed setting including table cloth, decoration, plates, napkins, cups and utensils for the birthday child and guests, a ballet-themed birthday gift from the studio for the birthday child, all set-up, and clean-up is done for you! No mess, no stress! The fun will conclude with a short parent performance during the last few minutes of the party.
What do you bring? Whatever you’d like to serve at the party table (pizza, drinks, etc). Don’t forget the candles! Goody bags for guests if you would like to pass those out.
This package is $299. Take advantage of this ONE DAY ONLY sale and get the package for $179!
We also offer a Basic Party Package for $150 – this package is not included in the Cyber Week Sale.
Watch week is coming up! Come see what your dancer has been learning so far this year!
We have such a FUN Preschool and Kindergarten Program! Did you know we are still enrolling? We are! Our Stars (toddlers/Preschool) and Kinders learn SO MUCH when they dance!