We are SO EXCITED to bring back Dancer Dedications in our Recital Program this year! We offer three sizes for the dedications, which are all in color. The pricing is as follows:
1/4 page $15 (one photo with limited wording)
1/2 page $25 (1-3 photos with limited wording)
Full page $50 (can have multiple pictures and as much wording as we can fit)
Wording can be something like “Dancer Name, we are so proud of you! You are a star!” or a Bible verse, favorite quote, etc.
Dedications will be billed to your JDS account and charged at time of purchase. If other arrangements need to be made, please let us know.
Feel free to share the form link with your family, or anyone you think would like to make a dedication to your dancer (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.)
All Dedications are due by March 14th. We are under a strict deadline and will not be able to accept any dedications after this date.
If you have ANY questions, please let us know!
Please fill out this form to enter your Dancer Dedication.

If your business would like to place an ad or sponsor a dedication in the program, please email Brandi at joyfuldancestudio@gmail.com.